If women ruled the world, what would our lives be like? Would we have time to gather together for coffee in the afternoon just to talk, laugh, be together? Would we be able to express ourselves however we wished, follow our passions, and have the courage to be who we really are? Would we risk eating whatever we wanted because it just tastes so good? Would we work together in community to create an environment of sharing, compassion, and well-being? Would LOVE be a word spoken out loud, all the time, without fear or shame or worry? Would nature be protected and the environment nurtured? Would we learn from each other and teach what we've learned? Would we reach out to each other, holding hands in peace and togetherness? Would children be as safe, nurtured, educated, and valued as they should? Would we dance, sing, shout, paint, create, build, write, and play just because we love it? Would we all have a voice and the freedom to be heard?
What would the world be like if women ruled? What would you change if you could?
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