Monday, April 20, 2009

Build a Tolerance for What You Cannot Bear - a prompt from Natalie Goldberg

Life takes getting through - going on. We are, every day, letting go of things, moving over things, making wide circles around the things that scare us. Because of fear, we avoid so much, we do not allow a great deal, we walk away from mountains of opportunities. What if, instead, we faced the fear head on? What if we stood up, raised our eyes and stared directly into the face of fear? Would we die? Would it kill us? Maybe. There are dangers in this world, yes. But I'd say - mostly - probably not. Our fears are so scary because we feed them, we let them grow, we avoid them and allow them to fester. If, instead, we gathered the courage to face our fears, perhaps they wouldn't be so frightening after all.

Today, make a list of your fears. Write as many as you can, as many as you want, as many as you can bear to admit. Then choose one to conquer. Take the steps to face and get over this fear. You'll feel better. You'll learn something. You'll grow. When you've done that, choose another fear to conquer. Keep going, day by day, fear by fear, until you've faced them all. Only then can you live your life free of the terror that has always lived inside of you.

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