Facebook says I am a Dusk.
I took a quiz on Blogthings (http://www.blogthings.com/areyouduskordawnquiz/) the other day that asked if I am a Dusk or a Dawn. Being a Dawn by name, I thought this might be interesting. The quiz asked the following questions (with my answers in italics):
Your best days:
Have a late start
Have an early start
Have a late start
Have an early start
You rather have a job where:
You were completely free to do what you wanted
You had a lot of potential for success
You were completely free to do what you wanted
You had a lot of potential for success
You get more done:
On a rainy day
On a sunny day
On a rainy day
On a sunny day
If you had to choose, you'd describe yourself as:
You have your greatest moments of inspiration:
At work
At play
At work
At play
Your favorite music is:
Evocative and emotional
Energetic and inspiring
Evocative and emotional
Energetic and inspiring
You rather be thought of as:
Apparently, these answers transformed me from a Dawn to a Dusk! Ah, the magic of Facebook! Really, though, when I read the definition of what a Dusk is, I understood. This is me.
You Are Dusk
You are a naturally idealistic and creative person. You look forward to nights where everything is possible.You spend most of your energy on play. Work is okay, but the true you emerges after the work day is done.You're an offbeat type that doesn't like rules or schedules. Life's too short to waste at a desk in a cube.Whether you spend your night socializing or working on side projects, you like that your time is yours.
You are a naturally idealistic and creative person. You look forward to nights where everything is possible.You spend most of your energy on play. Work is okay, but the true you emerges after the work day is done.You're an offbeat type that doesn't like rules or schedules. Life's too short to waste at a desk in a cube.Whether you spend your night socializing or working on side projects, you like that your time is yours.
I'd be interested to see what the definition of a Dawn might be!
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