Thursday, December 11, 2008

This Day in History

On December 11, 1992, in my little hometown of Highlands, New Jersey, a Nor'Easter blew us all away! The tide was something like 9.2 feet above normal. Winds were hurricane force (if I remember correctly). And once again, the river overflowed its banks and roared down the street. We saw lifeguard chairs and picnic tables float by. Cars were submerged in the floodwaters. The power went out. And slowly, the water seeped into the house - up to about (almost) a foot, I believe. We were taken out of the house in a boat. We were misplaced for a few days. Our furniture and many other belongings were ruined. But we still had a house, when we returned a few days later. And we still had our family. Luckily, we viewed this storm as an adventure - not a tragedy. We made it through - as we always did. I am remembering that crazy, stormy, exciting day - today - so many years ago and so many miles away. It seems as if there was nothing we couldn't get through, nothing we couldn't conquer. I only hope I am still that strong.

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