Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring is Coming!!!

Spring arrives on Friday, but today it is sunny and beautiful and forecast to be in the 7o's, so I couldn't help but think of some things I love about spring...

1. Flowers
2. Wearing t-shirts outside.
3. The smell of fresh cut grass.
4. Opening the windows and letting in the fresh air.
5. Laying/sitting outside on a blanket/chair, reading a book.
6. The sounds of children playing.
7. Lemonade and Iced Tea taste so much better in the spring.
8. Planting a garden.
9. Watching the spring birds return and trying to identify them.
10. In NJ, I used to love taking that first barefoot walk on the beach in the Indiana, I'll have to come up with a new ritual.
11. Earth Day (April 22nd).
12. Spending ANY amount of time outdoors - walking, sitting, reading, playing cornhole (we do that her in Indiana!), bar-b-ques (here they call them "grill-outs!), cloud-watching and so much more!
13. The colors of spring - new green grass and leaves on trees; beautiful blue skies; golden sunshine; white, puffy clouds; flowers of every color, shape, size and variety; the way the water (any water) sparkles in the sun; pink lemonade.........

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