Monday, February 9, 2009


The long, dark days of February pass by slowly. Winter's chill has set itself into my bones. I shiver, layered in fabrics that never seem to do enough. My skin withers and flakes - aching for moisture in this dry, brittle air. I find that I crave sunlight, warmth, and color right now more than ever. A flower, a ripe piece of fruit, sunlight cascading through a window - natural elements that comfort and calm. I am aching for spring - for long walks in the green grass, cool breezes that do not chill, an afternoon reading in the sunshine, the sound of the world buzzing around outdoors. I want to whip open the windows, air out the house, plant a garden, walk barefoot in the grass. I want to stroll carelessly about - watching, listening, observing the world. I want to hear the songs of birds in the backyard, and toss the dog a toy across the front lawn. I want to leave this cave of winter shadows and shivers. I want to reach out beyond the frosted windows and welcome the sun. The green world a few months.

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