Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The sun has not shone its face for a few days. And when it has, it has been short lived. I'm feeling so blah. I miss the sunshine...and where is this spring weather we are supposed to be having? Our normal high for this time of year is 65 degrees. Today we are struggling to even get to 50 degrees. Blah!

I can feel the effects of this chilly, damp weather on my mood. It is spring, I want so badly to get outside, walk in the sunshine, smell the flowers and smile at the beauty of the earth in spring. Instead, I hole up inside, bundle myself in sweatshirts and thick socks, and wait - hope - for the sun to rise tomorrow.

I know there are worse things than a few clouds. And maybe it's not the weather at all that has got me feeling so blah. But I am finding it difficult to get motivated. I am tired. Headaches from allergies (how is this weather causing allergies, I ask?) are bringing me down. And nothing, nothing is sparking my interest.

Blah, blah, blah.....boring post, I know. But now you know how I feel.

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