Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What to do the first morning you are alone…

(from a WWf(a)C prompt)

Throw off the covers and leap out of bed.
Hoist open the windows, breathe deep,
Let the sun in, the air in, the world in.
Take a warm shower.
Use that expensive body wash you’ve been saving.
Let the scent of lavender and the trickle of water wash over you.
Get dressed in your most comfortable clothes –
A t-shirt and jeans would be my choice.
Let your hair air dry.
Make a pot of coffee and while it’s brewing, wander around the house.
Look at photographs, touch the silky rim of the blanket your mother gave you years ago,
Drink in the perfumes and colors of the fresh flowers on the coffee table, listen to the silence.
Slice a ripe peach and sit down at the kitchen table with your first cup of coffee.
Savor the peach, the light cascading through the kitchen windows and this time alone.
Spend some time writing.
Look out the window and admire the beauty of the day.
Then get out there.
Run barefoot in the grass, climb your favorite tree, relax in the sun,
Pick a flower to take home with you, follow a butterfly.
Let the day take you on a journey.
Appreciate everything.
At sunset, sit on your front porch and watch the shadows grow longer,
The sun sink below the tree line.
Stay outside listening to the chirping crickets and gentle breezes through the trees
Until you catch a chill.
Inside, brew a pot of tea.
Sit down in a comfortable chair with a favorite book.
Read, until your eyes grow heavy and your thoughts turn to sleep.
Dream of another day like this one and savor the solitude.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Sounds like the perfect day!